GABALS.LV - an essential tool if you want to buy or sell forest

If you own or want to buy a forest, GABALS.LV is a valuable tool that allows you to quickly obtain information about the forest's composition and readiness for logging. All you will need is the cadastral number.

GABALS.LV is a product we created. It was initially a tool for forest inventory specialists to create and add inventories for forest owners and the State Forest Service.


Get a summary of forest property from open data sources

GABALS.LV for professionals

GABALS.LV is an online tool developed by our SunGIS team to develop complete and partial inventories for forest inventory specialists. A forest inventory specialist without prior knowledge or special software can process content and cartographic data and create reports for both the forest owner and the State Forest Service.

Data exchange

Data import and export in VMD GIS Forest inventory file structure in ESRI ShapeFile format

Data processing

Viewing, editing, and drawing geographic and descriptive data of forest inventory data in one place, stock calculations, and data checks

Exports and forms

Reports and exports by inventory data, printouts of forms and cards